All Aboard: Hold on Tight in the Crazy Train for One

Destination unknown.

Lisa S. Gerard
7 min readAug 3, 2022


scared woman with bloodied shirt and smeary red lipstick
Image by Melissa from Pixabay

The train slid across the tracks and groaned with increasing acceleration. Déjà vu flushes through me and my rapidly pulsating blood keeps time with the motion, faster, faster, faster. I am floating, but not, and awaken startled by the bouncing and the screams.

Otherworldly, animalistic, guttural wailing echoed through the empty cabin with ferocity.

Alone. I am alone.


Destination unknown.

The panel of strangers stared and waited for me to utter words that would never escape from my lips.

One tapped his pencil on a blank pad of paper, one leaned back, chest puffed out, and with the cockiness of the all-knowing. The lone woman shot daggers my way and looked down her nose as if my filth may infect her from across the room.

They wanted nothing more than to return home to a nice hot meal, a golden retriever bounding out to greet them, as they pulled their Mercedes up their paver driveways.

Hell will freeze over before I utter the words they long to hear.

I killed a man.



Lisa S. Gerard

Just doing my thing, letting you do yours. Be kind. It matters. Help break Mental Health stigma. Share a smile.