InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyLisa S. GerardWomen Who Live Alone For One Year Experience This MiracleCall me crazy, but I have science on my sideJan 19193Jan 19193
InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyLisa S. GerardDamned If You Do, Damned If You Don’tThe life-changing philosophy I learned at 60Nov 26, 202424Nov 26, 202424
InAge of EmpathybyLisa S. GerardHate Is The New Black — Will “Love Thy Neighbor” Survive?The presidential election is over but emotions run highNov 9, 202427Nov 9, 202427
InZenitebyLisa S. GerardHow To Shrink Your Belly and Ruin Your Hair in 10 Minutes or LessMy guilty pleasure does it allSep 28, 202413Sep 28, 202413
InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyLisa S. GerardThe Best Way to Keep Your Secrets Safe After You DieI found my mom’s letter and now I can’t ask her about itAug 26, 202442Aug 26, 202442
InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyLisa S. GerardDead Women Need Lipstick and Orange JuiceNever-ending final wishesJul 5, 202452Jul 5, 202452
InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyLisa S. GerardThe Unfolding of Miracles and The Magic of TowelsWork it, girlSep 2, 202348Sep 2, 202348
InAge of EmpathybyLisa S. GerardWe Say Goodbye in Silence — The Words Have All Been SaidDid you hear my warm hand?Aug 25, 202368Aug 25, 202368
InEngagebyLisa S. GerardThese 7 Women Stole My Retirement Plan and Now Live Their Best LivesImitation is flatteryJul 12, 202336Jul 12, 202336
InEngagebyLisa S. GerardMastodon: What If You Cut Off Your Nose to Spite Your Face?I’ve made my decision, how about you?Mar 8, 202353Mar 8, 202353
InEngagebyLisa S. GerardFate Healed Her Broken Heart — Love Hides Right in Front of Your EyesCan AI convey these emotions and destiny?Feb 26, 202328Feb 26, 202328
InThe MemoiristbyLisa S. GerardThe 2022 Year-End Jolt to My Heart: Open Your Eyes and Ears for MiraclesToday, my hobbling faith in our future was restored instantly.Dec 16, 202247Dec 16, 202247
InILLUMINATIONbyLisa S. GerardThe Face of Viral: 196,000 Views in 10 Days, Breathless with Fingers CrossedIs there a secret sauce?Nov 17, 202234Nov 17, 202234
InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyLisa S. GerardThe Best Secret: A Hidden Treasure Only Her Hands, Heart, and My Eyes KnowI will take the key to her eternal lifeNov 13, 202218Nov 13, 202218
Lisa S. Gerard$1.9 Billion Powerball Lottery Winner: Give Her a Hand, She Has a Big HeartIt couldn’t have gone to a better personNov 8, 202250Nov 8, 202250
InEngagebyLisa S. GerardEasy Money — Work Smart, Once. Keep Your Eyes Open, Hands Out, and Feet MovingI took my own advice and increased my earningsNov 4, 202237Nov 4, 202237
InEngagebyLisa S. GerardIt’s Time to Get Rid of The Monkey on Your Back That Whispers in Your Ear7 out of 10 people have the same problem, are you one?Jan 26, 202231Jan 26, 202231
InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyLisa S. GerardThe Diagnosis Disaster: An 84-Year-Old Woman’s Broken Ankle Healed HerA deadly common ailment often overlookedOct 26, 202232Oct 26, 202232
InILLUMINATIONbyLisa S. GerardWin a Cash Prize to Ease the Sting of Your Red-Faced Anger and Bulging EyesYou’ll be ticked if you miss this deadlineOct 8, 202213Oct 8, 202213
Lisa S. GerardBecome Better Humans Without Breaking a Sweat — Unless You’re Fine the Way You AreI made a few easy tweaks that can change the world.Sep 14, 202237Sep 14, 202237