InEngagebyLisa S. GerardThis Shocking and Eye-Opening Dating Trend Brings New HeartacheBeing Zombied is worse than GhostingMay 2, 202351May 2, 202351
InThe ShortformbyLisa S. GerardMy Ex Had His Eye on Ruining My Credit — The Cold Black Heart of DivorceTrust is still tricky after 25 yearsMar 29, 202324Mar 29, 202324
InAge of EmpathybyLisa S. GerardThe Head-Scratching When You Realize You Broke Up Before the First DateA big reaction to a small bump in the roadFeb 18, 202347Feb 18, 202347
Lisa S. GerardHis First Christmas Was Our Family’s Last — In the Face of Mental IllnessBirth, death, jail, and a new look for holidays.Dec 8, 202258Dec 8, 202258
InILLUMINATIONbyLisa S. GerardAre Friends with Benefits & Online Dating Ruining Everything?The endangered art of building relationshipsJul 24, 202118Jul 24, 202118
Lisa S. GerardInstagram Fail: My Brain Buzzes, My Cheeks Sting, So Many Questions 3 Months LaterI may get an award for living this ghost story.Jul 18, 202230Jul 18, 202230
InThe MemoiristbyLisa S. GerardLife Chess: King Narcissist, Kid Pawns, and a Queen With Open Eyes and EarsI watch his every move across the board.Jul 14, 202226Jul 14, 202226
InThe MemoiristbyLisa S. GerardThe Worst Gifts to Ever Give Your Wife for Her Birthday Can Break Her HeartHow I was almost completely erased.Jul 11, 202228Jul 11, 202228
Lisa S. GerardLiars, Tigers & Beer, Oh My! Close Your Mouths and Toe the Line, WomenMen choose to die alone waiting for Barbie.Jun 7, 202214Jun 7, 202214
InThe ViragobyLisa S. GerardEasy Recipe for Men to Date, Wed, and Bed: Grab Her Hand and Steal Her HeartThe help you’ve been looking for is here.May 4, 202228May 4, 202228
InKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfbyLisa S. GerardAn Unexpected Union of an Ex-Wife and the New FiancéDiscovering the antidote to let the healing beginAug 24, 20214Aug 24, 20214
InThe MemoiristbyLisa S. GerardOnly My Eyes Were Invited, By Facebook, to The Baptism of My Own GranddaughterI was shocked to see my family, in all their glory, on social media.Apr 18, 202240Apr 18, 202240
InAge of EmpathybyLisa S. GerardThe Worst Communicators Are Those With Open Ears and Arms but a Closed MouthHow imbalance was my undoing and a new planApr 13, 20226Apr 13, 20226
InArtisanal Article MachinebyLisa S. GerardMy Mind’s Eye Saw The New Wife Before I Knew She Was ComingMy clarity spooks even me at times.Oct 14, 202128Oct 14, 202128
InThe ViragobyLisa S. GerardSmashing Rose Colored Glasses — My Eyes Finally Saw the Head GamesMy marriage had a beginning, an ending, and gaslightingNov 18, 202112Nov 18, 202112
Lisa S. GerardThe Male Brain: Does it Have a Saturation Point or Are Their Ears Blocked with Hair?An honest question because we love men and Swiss cheeseDec 28, 202125Dec 28, 202125
Lisa S. GerardThe Death Grip of a Toxic Relationship: Is it Heart Breaking to Walk Away?Waste years of happiness or choose one of two options.Feb 10, 202215Feb 10, 202215
Lisa S. GerardWomen Over 50 Put Toes in the Dating Pool Even When There’s Pee In ItSingle life is looking better and better from the water’s edgeFeb 21, 202248Feb 21, 202248
Lisa S. GerardI Opened My Mouth, Betrayed My Brain, and Ruined 25 Years of MarriageI wouldn’t change anything except for me, so I didOct 19, 2021273Oct 19, 2021273