The Authentic Eclectic

Put Your Pedal to the Metal; Joe Walsh Said His Maserati Does 185

So why are you going 30 mph in a 50 mph zone?

Lisa S. Gerard
6 min readOct 28, 2021


woman with long scarf driving a custom vintage pick up truck with blue roof and doors Lisa Gerard Braun Medium
Photo by averie woodard on Unsplash

People tell me I have a long fuse.

Usually, they are people that have never driven with me.

I am patient and hardly find reasons to anger. Once I began my transformation just a few scant years ago, a Zen-like peace overtook me. I knew this settled feeling suited me.

It was some friends that really brought it to my attention.

Happy Hour with my neighbors involved beach chairs on our driveways, cocktails, and great conversation. My grandson, Ian, was the shortest member of our clan and possessed substandard speaking skills. The competition kicked in once some of my friends were well into their 5th or 6th drink. Then, everyone had a similar unclear vocabulary. Ian was 3 years old, though.

These nights were a great reprieve and a way to relax and catch up at least once a week.

Because I was the only one obligated to take care of a young human, I would limit myself to 2 drinks. By the time I would finish them, it was time to pack up the Little Tykes Basketball net and Big Wheel. We’d be the first to head inside our home since bath time, and a book…



Lisa S. Gerard

Just doing my thing, letting you do yours. Be kind. It matters. Help break Mental Health stigma. Share a smile.