Weight Loss Journey ~ My 475 lb Swing

Rice for breakfast changed my life

Lisa S. Gerard
6 min readApr 18, 2021
Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay

I had no desire to see what bra size came after size 40 DD so I just stopped there and crammed into the bras I had. Whatever spilled out did so of its own volition. My side boobs had side boobs.

I have gained and lost close to 475 pounds in a 5-year window of time.

I blame all the fetuses involved in this debacle and the destruction of my once athletic frame. Though they are all in their 20’s now they still hear my complaints.

The girls would make me eat cheesesteaks, double quarter pounders, sometimes 2 in one sitting, drive-thru breakfast sandwiches, foot-long hoagies, and whole pizzas. Sicilian. Large. They demanded anything offered fried and greasy.

Sometimes all before noon.

No wonder they were individually responsible for 87 and 65 pounds respectively.

Image by Author ~ right before her rings had to be cut off

And then came my son. My glorious son who would be my final child. This amazingly wonderful gem of a boy craved all healthy salads and seafood. With him, I never ate an entire cheesecake, either. I loved carrying him.



Lisa S. Gerard

Just doing my thing, letting you do yours. Be kind. It matters. Help break Mental Health stigma. Share a smile. https://lisasgerard.medium.com/membership